United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • My results
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My results

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:19 pm
by admin
I haven't posted here in a long time. I want to apologise to everyone here. I promised that I would post whether the surgery worked or not. I didn't take the time now to see if ppl with positive results have posted. This place was like therapy for me to cope with my depression, to look for a light at the end of the tunnel. At the time when I was somewhat active, there was just ppl like me looking.

My injury occured on July 10 2005. My surgery was on Feb 10 2006. I had my follow up visit this past summer at the Mayo. I personally haven't seen any movement, basically no results except for my boney arm had a tiny bit of meat under the sickly skin.

I did the EMG and seen that there was activity on the screen. I was prescribed certain excercises of weghtless movement. I realy wasn't able to do anything. I gave up.

To keep from going into a depression I worked on my bike and yes I rode it as well.

Two weeks ago I went on a cruise. One island we stopped was St. Thomas. I was in the water when a school of fish swam near me. I was startled and when I mad a fist, my arm bent. I started to breath heavy like I was hyperventilating and did it again. I started crying and called my girlfriend to show her and she started crying too. Before you knew it there was alittle crowd around.

When we stopped at Aruba, I was able to bend at the elbow and then raise my shoulder up like a bird flapping it's wing movement. After a few hours, my shoulder was real sore, not to mention the sunburn, I stopped.

Out of the water and back ome, I'm able to bend at the elbow 100 degrees, not a whole 90 yet. It's takes me about 10-20 seconds to do it, but I can. With practice, I'll get better at it. I'll be joining a gym with a pool to help with my shopulder since I'm not able to move that out of the water yet.

I want to thank everyone here. I also want to thank Brian from Westchester. I called you back in the summer and you gave me hope.

Re: My results

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:20 pm
by admin
btw, I was just plain peter, but I guess I forgot my password so I started another username.

Re: My results

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:33 pm
by ptrefam
Peter that is so awesome!! Great to hear you are getting some movement. Dustin is able to move quite a bit in water and we are hoping he gets strong enough to do it out of water eventually. You may also want to do the exercises while laying on your side. Dustin has quite a bit of movement in that position also. When on his side he can also add weights.

Re: My results

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:41 am
by Brandon_3
Hey Peter that is great, my injury happened may 2005 and I had no grafts, I have avulsions c8,T1 not sure about seven. But out of nowhere 3 weeks ago my arm started raising at the shoulder and I can isolate it and bend it at the elbow. I have no ability to make a fist but I am working on getting some surgery for my hand. Any way that is so great to hear and it sounds like it happened at about the same time both the injury and the movement.
Pretty exciting
Brandon Hubbard Feel free to e-mail me

Re: My results

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:03 pm
by admin
I know. I wish it gets stronger so I can start going to the gym again. I know that "IF" it does get stronger, it will be a loooong time before I can do anything like the gym.

Day by day, step by step. I waited almost a year and a half for that movement. I wish my injury never happened, but that wait was well worth it.

Re: My results

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:44 pm
by wazza
I had tears reading this. It made me so happy for you. I'm glad I waited til now to read this after reading the other threads. I'm taking my time for each thread as it is pretty heavy for me emotionally at moment to see these threads but they are all beautiful in their own way. Great to see the human spirit triumph where possible.

MANY thoughts are with you and I hope you get to where you want to be :)