United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • New here-and wondering
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New here-and wondering

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:51 pm
by andit88
Hi, my name is Andi and i'm 36 yrs old-i had a TBPI feb 03 following an abdominal surgery. i had severe pain for a year, and originally told it would be healed in 3-6 months, then 6-9, 1 year-1 1/2 years, then was told it wouldn't get any better than it was. since the injury i have been severly sick (headaches, blurred vision, loss of balance, pain, IBS, fatigue etc.., they are now thinking i may have autonomic neuropathy from this. Anyone else out there have these problems? it is really making my life a nightmare.

Re: New here-and wondering

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:33 am
by michelle h
Hi Andi,
I don't think I can offer you much help... but I was curious when I saw your injury was due to surgery. My injury resulted from surgery as well, a c-section to deliver my daughter in May 2004. I'm so sorry to hear all of your symptoms. I'm doing good and have no pain just some numbness and a little weakness to deal with. I do hope that you find some answers and some help.