United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Hi, my name is Paula
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Hi, my name is Paula

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2002 7:17 pm
by Paula
With so many new families joining our "family" I would like to say welcome and introduce myself and also tell you a little about my little one. Hope everyone will follow. This would be good to print out and keep handy so when someone posts we will know the families background. My baby's name is Aaron he was born August 23,2001. 6 1/2 mos old left OBPI. He has had no surgeries yet but has recooperated so much he can now lift his hand to his chin. He has an appointment with TCH on April 4th (keep him in your prayers). We also have a daughter 12 yrs, and 2 other sons 11 yrs and 10 yrs.

Hi, my name is Teresa

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2002 7:52 pm
by Tessie258
My name is Teresa, I have a son,Jameson, age 12(13 in June) with rbpi. He has had radial head shaved off at age 5. Modquad at age 10...Now he needs maybe 3 more surgeries to deal with other problems(forearm, elbow, shoulder)...We're not sure what to do yet....Still researching.
I have 5 other children...Jameson is right in the middle. 5 boys 1 girl! Jameson is a great kid!!

Re: Hi, my name is Paula

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2002 10:06 pm
by Connie&Andrew
My name is Connie. I have a son, Andrew, 2 yrs old. He has left OBPI. He is scheduled for mod quad surgery end of April. I have 4 other children, 18, 15, 13,& 11. Andrew has had pretty good recovery. He has brought a lot of joy to our home.

Re: Hi, my name is Paula

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2002 11:31 pm
by carron
My name is Carron I have a 10 1/2 month old Thomas with lobpi he has had primary surgery 3 nerve grafts Oct. 23, 2001. I also have a step-daughter 10 a son 9 and a daughter 6. Sounds like you have made some great improvements. I will keep you in my thoughts. carron

Re: Hi, my name is Paula

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2002 11:56 pm
by admin
Hello, my name is Krista. My daughter is Mariella, 6 months old, with a LOBPI. So far she is surgery free. We see Dr Waters in Boston every month and feel very highly of him. Next month, April 8th, is our "big" appointment as we will find out whether or not Ella may need the nerve surgery. She can now bring her hand to her mouth while upright, YEY! We have been waiting for that to come in for a while now. She seems to be gaining some improvement slowly, but surely. She will start wearing a cranial band in a little over a week for her Plagiocephaly (flattening of her head) caused from the Erbs and torticollis. The band will help reshape her head back to normal. She is getting so big along with her big sister Hannah who is 2 1/2 years old.
Great idea Paula!

Re: Hi, my name is Paula

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 12:31 am
by one33weekerandtwo38weekers
Hi, my name is Sally and I am new to this board/forum. I have 3 children. Robert is 5.5, William is 2.5, and Michael is 11 months. Michael has a ROBPI. He was 10 lbs 10 ozs when he was born at 38 weeks. He was induced after I begged my OB since my 2nd son was 9 lbs 2 ozs at 38 weeks (my first son was a preemie - 3lbs 9 ozs at 33 weeks). My little Michael is such a joy... he is my little sunshine.

He hasn't had any surgeries yet but we sent a tape to TCH a week or so ago and we're waiting to hear whether they think he needs the Mod Quad or not. He has recovered quite a bit. He was unable to move his arm at all at birth but he was able to wiggle his fingers. Now he can bring his hand to his mouth (although he mostly keeps his hand with the palm facing out). He cannot bring his arm above 90 degrees (shoulder height) and when he gets close to 90 degrees he uses lots of shoulder elevation and internal rotation. He just learned to roll over (hooray!) and is doing a little bit of supporting himself on his arms when we put his on his hands and knees (we support him). He has learned to clap and it is the cutest thing on earth. He holds his right arm out in front of him and pats it with his left. Too cute!

I'm really glad to have found this board. It's great to be able to talk to people who are going through the same thing.

Sally (sorry for the length of my post!)

Re: Hi, my name is Paula

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 12:42 am
by Kathleen
Hi my name is Kathleen - aka Kath

I am an adult with right obpi... I post mostly on the adult/obpi board but also we are all free to move from board and put our two cents in if we choose...

I am a wife, mother of 3. I have 4 grandchildren.
lots of hobbies and we do have a life with obpi... even though it is sometimes a struggle we obpi babies tend to be pretty stubbron and persistent and we must be creative to do many things... My life has been full and I wonder sometimes if I would be the same person I am if it were not for obpi...
My whole life was not about my arm to me... but it sure had to be to my Mom although I never realized it until I matured...
Welcome to the boards...

Hi, My Name Is Francine

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 12:56 am
by francine
and I have an almost 4 year old Maia. Maia loves gymnastics and swimming and Kindermusik and she has some great therapists right now who she loves as well. Her favorite toys right now are Bob The Builder, Blues Blues, Clifford the "Medium" Red Dog (she came up with that) and Barnie. Maia just ate dinner for the first time with her affected hand, using an adaptive spoon and she is thrilled to pieces!
Maia has a website where you can read all about her surgeries, etc. http://www.injurednewborn.com/maia/homepage.html

Welcome to the message boards!!

Re: Hi, my name is Paula

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 1:17 am
by Karrie -- Md.
Hello, My name is Karrie. I have a 4 yr.old son Kyle, who has a LOBPI. He just had the mod quad/capsulodesis surgery Feb. 2002. He is four weeks into his splint, four more to go and doing great. I have three other children, sons 18 & 17 and a daughter 11. Kyle is a little pistol, but he is so personable and lovable at times that he will just melt your heart. He is my true sunshine (btw - that is our special song).
Paula....this was such a great idea. I've been posting for the last 4 yrs and have seen many families come and go and you do start to lose track of who's who sometimes. Especially when there are same names. Best wishes to all our little angels in their recoveries. Children are so WONDERFUL!!!

Re: Hi, my name is Paula

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 1:46 am
by Lenni
Hello, and welcome to all! I have a 6 year old daughter, her name is Ashley, and she has ROBI. Her little arm was limp for the first 10 weeks of her life, up until then she was very ill with stomach problems. After she had surgery to repair her stomach, her arm began to improve. Ashley has had no surgery on her shoulder to date, recently she was scheduled for a muscle and tendon transfer, and at her pre-op visit it was discovered that she could not have the surgery because she had made a slight improvment in the ability to lift her arm and had decreased in her ability to put her arm behind her back, and reach into her back pocket. Ashley's Doctor has given her a year to make some more improvment, he was surprised with her. There is allot more to tell, so if you have any questions please ask!
