United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • What happened to my post???
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What happened to my post???

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:43 am
by Nettie
Yesterday I posted a question as to why I could not get into BPI Events and my email says I had three responses and when I clicked on the address the email sent it told me I was not authorized to see the thread...I looked at the General Message Board and the thread is gone...what is going on??...why did it get removed...I do not understand.

Re: What happened to my post???

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:35 am
by katep

A guest used your thread to rudely criticize the new boards and moderators, and I think instead of deleting just their post the mods probably accidentally deleted the whole thread.

It's unfortunate that the old system of having to "approve" guest posts before they go up seems to have been lost with the new boards - a fact that some "guests" unfortunately seem to be taking advantage of...


Re: What happened to my post???

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:45 am
by cbe411
Nettie, please try again to get into the Events board, I have no idea why you couldn't open the page... it seems to be working for the BOD... please let us know if you are still having problems.

We are still wroking out kinks with the new software. Please bear with us. We thought it was better to have SOMETHING than NOTHING. We hope you understand.

Board of Directors

Re: What happened to my post???

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:00 pm
by Nettie
Thank you for your assistance...I just tried it and today it worked...I really like the new look...I do however find it so unfortunate that there isn't a better way for people at times to express themselves...I find it very sad that while I was looking for some guidance, someone would make it their agenda to complain and then leave me frustrated that I had a post removed, also leaving me wondering if that act of removal was personal or not, especially since I infrequently have anything to add to posts and very few individuals really know me...Thank you to those who helped answer my question...For the most part I have become a lurker vs. participant to these boards because of this very issue...It is odd that no matter the change in mix of those using these boards and I have been here since 1999, the issue of people expressing themselves in a negative light has continued to be a problem...not consistently, but enough...I have made some great friends over the years here who have been fantastic in support and just being friends...and it is my wish that we all could just be cautious with the written word and before hitting "post message" we think about all the ways our words can be interpreted...I would think that being a moderator is a mind boggling and emotional task and I for one appreciate their efforts...change is difficult, but it is simply a way of life...bumpy at times, but worth it in the end...Thank you again BOD's and moderators for all of your hard work to make this a friendly, informative place to be.