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Back Packs
Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:59 pm
by GAmom
Hi all:
I was shopping for next school year online just now and I was wondering what kind of backpack do the older children tote. One boy at the school where my older son goes has a one shoulder strap back that kinda goes across the body to help distribute the weight. But I wanted a educated opinion on which one's were goodand maybe where I could find them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Ashley, mom to Brayden 3
Re: Back Packs
Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 3:54 pm
by brandonsmom
I was told by our specialist that no book bag is good for our kids. Okay you say then what do they do....well I asked that question too....I guess we choose what is best and fits our childs desires. I tried a rolling book bag for Brandon this year. He used it for a while. he is still in second grade so his book bag is not that heavy..however, I fear a child pulling on it and causing more harm than good. I don't know what to do, went with a traditional back pack and just watched how things happened, he does okay with it. I think that next year when he is in third grade, I will request a seperate set of books to keep at home so he doesn't have to lug them. And that eleviates the weight fear. I asked about messanger style type and he said that causes uneven weight distribution !!! Good Luck....Gayle
Re: Back Packs
Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:27 pm
by admin
As a Kinder teacher I can tell you that their back packs don't weigh a thing as long as you keep it cleaned out. They really don't need to tote much back and forth except for a folder or two and maybe some small books (very light weight) and possibly a snack or lunch. I would think you'd be alright with whatever right now b/c the weight is so low.
Re: Back Packs
Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:21 pm
by claudia
Juliana is in 1st grade and we use a rolling back pack from LL Bean. She doesn't seem to mind it and will use it for as long as I can get her too.
Re: Back Packs
Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 12:05 am
Manny is my 6 year old. He has no bpi, but is in kindergarten. I don't know about anywhere else, but in VA the kids carry an agenda book (size of a 3 subject), a composition book and a library book. Also their lunch. On Fridays and Monday he asks me to carry it from the bus stop because it can be too heavy for him. For Jody I will do the extra set, but in kindergarten I don't think it is necessary. I will probably ask to switch the agenda for a folder as this seems to be the heaviest right now.
Best of luck to you. I think the bakpaks with the one diagonal strap would be okay for now, before the work load adds up.
Re: Back Packs
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 3:07 am
by admin
I have found roller bags to be difficult to use. They always tend to tip over and are hard to pull up stairs. One of the best back packs that I have used is from Airpack. They use air supports that help redistribute the weight and make 40 lbs feel like 10. They're a little expensive, but well worth the money and come in many different colors and styles. Airpacks also makes briefcases, laptop carriers, and shoulders bags. They come with a life time guarentee. You can view them here: You can also Google the name and see if any wholesellers have them cheaper. I bought mine 2 years ago fron, but I checked and couldn't find them in their inventory. Also, try seeing if the school will provide an extra set of books at school. This is what I had to do when I was in high school. It was when I started colloege that I have to look for alternatetives because buying two sets of books was not an option.
Re: Back Packs
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:54 am
by admin
We use a shoulder bag just for lunch and papers. We have it written into her IEP that she is to have two sets of books, one for home and one for school, so she is NEVER carrying books (except for the occasional library book) in her shoulder bag. One other thing is that the shoulder bags seem to rest on the right shoulder and my daughter is left bpi so that works out, but we would not be doing this if she was a right bpi. I have not seen any left shoulder bags yet.
Re: Back Packs
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:58 am
by claudia
Ashley: your advice is great as the kids get older and can handle more weight and are bigger. However, little kids (3,4,5 years old) have a hard time with any back pack. The rolling backpacks help them feel independent, as do the "messenger bag" style, because they tend to be smaller.
Juliana rolls her backpack to the stairs at school and a teacher or friend carries it up the stairs for her. In our school district, a rolling backpack has to be in an IEP or 504 plan, as they were outlawed a number of years ago.
I will look into the Airpack for Juliana in a few years--when she decides that she doesn't want to look "different"!!! Just wait until she realizes that we all are different!!hahaha
Re: Back Packs
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 9:05 pm
by Jeanne
We had Dr. Nath write a letter stating that Alyssa needed a 2ns set of books at home and I will do the same thing every school year. She does carry a small binder and her lunch box to school though. We were going to try the back pack that rolled on wheels, but Dr. Nath says that can cause overuse of the good arm. Believe me, if you can get the books at home, do it. I went to school to pick up her books and they are very heavy, even for me. I can't imagine her or any other non BPI child having to lug these books around.
Re: Back Packs
Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 4:58 pm
by brandonsmom
WE lived in Houston for a while, while taking care of brandon's medical needs. They automatically give a second set of books starting in thrid grade. IT was really nice. Their reasoning has nothing to do with the weight issue, it has to do with the issue of them forgetting their books at school and not being able to do their homework. NO EXCUSES now. I wish Illinois would implement the same policy. The also noted that it prevents lost books because the school books never leave the building and the home books never really should leave the home, so they weren't being left on buses, playgrounds etc. Just thought I would share. GAYLE