United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • want to ride
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want to ride

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:21 am
by barb4alex
hi we are looking for people that may be interested in bringing their children that have bp out to our farm to visit the ponies my granddaughter Alex has bp and we have found that her pony is a great way to encourage her to use her arm and hand we hope to find enough interested people in our area to set up a summer program that would enable parents to visit and share information and also provide the kids with a good time there would be no cost but we would have to have parents volunteer to help to lead ponies or walk with riders for safety we ae located about 6 miles from metro airport near 275 and 94 in michigan if you think you might be interested or would like to bring your children please email me at cyberdan@charter.net thanks barb