United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Resting Wrist Splint
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Resting Wrist Splint

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:01 am
by admin
my baby is 9 weeks old with right bpi i make ROM every day many times although i see his hand will make 90 degree with his forearm also i notice some difficulties while open all his fingers fully when his wrist stright i think he should wear splint at least when sleeping my pt said no splint before 5 months i think by this time his hand will become worse ? do your baby in this age wear splint?

Re: Resting Wrist Splint

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:05 am
by admin
My baby was wearing a wrist splint before 5 months of age. She was wearing one in her 2 month old photograph. It really helped with the waiters tip position.

Re: Resting Wrist Splint

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:14 am
by roxxy
hello my name is roxxy and my 2yr old son aj has bpi. we were giving a wrist splint when he was about 2mo old. it was a hard mold that his therepist made for him to help his muscles until they were strong enough to suppport his wrist on their own you should try tto talk to your therepist again, you don't want it to get too bad and not be able to correct it.

Re: Resting Wrist Splint

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:21 am
I'm no BPI expert, but I would think that waiting would be bad too. My son got his first resting hand splint between 10 and 12 weeks. He is almost 2 now and the splint design is still the same although the size has changed. He wears it for night and naps and it makes a huge difference. There have been a few times when I don't have it with me and he seems to be more sensitive to ROM when he hasn't worn it. All injuries are different, if you don't agree with the therapist check with the BPI doc.


Re: Resting Wrist Splint

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:24 pm
by admin
My daughter started wearing her WHO (wrist hand orthosis) at 7 weeks old and it has made a tremendous difference! Her hand doesn't fall into the waiters tip position very often. She too wears it only at night and we are now on our 2nd one. Personally I would try and find someone who will approve one for your child. The doctor prescribed it and the OT made it for us.


Re: Resting Wrist Splint

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:34 pm
by Connie&Andrew
When my son was born (He's 6 now). They sent a therapist to see us in the hospital the day after he was born and they sent us home with a splint that he wore when sleeping.


Re: Resting Wrist Splint

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:26 pm
by jamielane
My son started therapy when he was 2weeks old, he got his 1st splint at 3weeks old. We started at 30minutes a day and increased from there. The slpints that Carson had were made from some material that when it hot they could shape it to fit his tiny hand. I will be more than happy to send you pictures or get exact material names if you would like me to. I actually have the splint and I could mail them to you for your PT to see. Just promise to mail them back.


Good Luck-

Re: Resting Wrist Splint

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:43 am
by admin
Thanks all for ur help can you send me pic please for this splint
and if my ot refuse to make one can i buy it from shopes or via internet i'm outside usa
thanx alot jamielena

Re: Resting Wrist Splint

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:46 am
by natsmom
The splinting material is called orthoplast. When placed in warm water, it becomes very pliable and easy to form into the proper shape for splinting.

My daughter had a resting hand splint from about 2 weeks of age, so I would definitely encourage your OT to make the splint for you. Waiting for months to give your child the proper wrist support could do more harm than good.

Best of Luck!