United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • NEW DATE- APRIL 1ST: Class for Therapists at Theraplay in PA
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NEW DATE- APRIL 1ST: Class for Therapists at Theraplay in PA

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:39 am
by Francine Litz

Comprehensive Management of Pediatric Brachial Plexus Injury

This one-day conference is geared for the PT, PTA, OT and COTA working with pediatric patients in a variety of settings.


Participants will be able to identify:
The muscles and nerves affected by a Brachial Plexus Injury (including Erb?s Palsy, Klumpke?s Palsy)
the primary effects and secondary effects seen in a Brachial Plexus Injury (BPI).
Participants will be able to identify the medical management options available for kids with Brachial Plexus Injuries.
Participants will be able to identify treatment strategies/techniques to address the impairments seen in BPI.
Participants will be able to determine general timeline for when to implement treatment strategies and when to focus on specific goals/objectives for their patients with BPI.


Summit Sports Training Center Conference Room (2nd Floor)
Ice Line
700 Lawrence Road
West Chester, PA 19380


8:30-9:00 Registration/Networking
9:00-3:00 Comprehensive Management of Pediatric Brachial Plexus Injury with Brenda McCann, DPT

Box lunch will be served


Brenda McCann, DPT is a experienced physical therapist who has trained and worked extensively with children with brachial plexus injures. Brenda received her doctorate from Widener University. She has been with Theraplay for over 3 years and is currently center manager and treating therapist at Theraplay?s outpatient office in Drexel Hill, PA.

COST: $100 ($75 is registration is sent in early - ask Maureen about the date for this)


Maureen Hugel, PT, VP Clinical Operations
Theraplay, Inc.
638 Brandywine Parkway
West Chester, PA 19380
610-436-3604, ext. 12