United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Serious PT Help for BPI Patients!!
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Serious PT Help for BPI Patients!!

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:45 pm
by thepud
Hey all:
I've been going to an unbelievable place for physical therapy for the past three weeks and am truly shocked to find that these people actually "GET IT" with BPI's!! I have been in conventional PT for two years and pretty much stopped improving 9 months ago. I was truly losing hope and then along comes these people. I am posting their information on the BPI sites I'm a member of because they seriously understand the mechanics of brachial plexus injuries and are able to get improvements where others have failed. They are located here in my state (Phoenix, AZ) but people come from all over the nation to be treated by them. They are most known as a very prestigious center for stroke patients but I just can't say enough about how much they have helped me in such a short amount of time. I finally have HOPE that I will get better and can see a clear path for my future. Here's their web site info for anyone interested in learning more about them: www.swanrehab.com.
Their center director is Kay Wing. OK, I'm off my soap box now!!

Re: Serious PT Help for BPI Patients!!

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:59 pm
by admin
Great news! I live in Flagstaff. My son is in Colorado now but will end up here eventually. Good to know there are some great resources close by. Did you have a traumatic injury? Surgery?

Re: Serious PT Help for BPI Patients!!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:41 am
by thepud
Traumatic injury yes. Surgery no. I didn't qualify for it unfortunately.

Re: Serious PT Help for BPI Patients!!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:12 am
by admin
is there any pt you see there in particular that you recommend? my boyfriend has an injury that has affected especially his fine motor skills and movement in fingers in BOTH hands is very difficult - he has bilateral tbpi which seems to be rare - haven't heard of anyone yet on this board who has both hands affected.

thanks for your help! and glad to hear that you've found someone close by that you can continue to make progress with. that's great news!

Re: Serious PT Help for BPI Patients!!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:03 pm
by Heather Frey
That's great that you're getting better! That place sounds great! I checked out that site and it says that they do Neuromuscular Therapy which is the therapy that Paul St. John (www.stjohn-clarkptc.com) did to me and cured my four and a half years of chronic pain and scapular winging in just 10 treatments. He does the water therapy too just like Swan Rehab.

He told my mom and I that he has successfully treated patients from infants to adults that have BPI/Erbs Palsy.

My orthopedist told my mom that I needed a muscle transfer and that she should take me to Hopkins or Manhattan and told her that she would be wasting her time and money by going to Paul. He said that Paul was just a massage therapist. He was totally wrong!!! Paul invented the St. John Method of Neuromuscular Therapy and just developed something called Aquasage where he takes patients to Warm Mineral Springs where people heal two to three times as fast because the mineral content is so high.

Paul is awesome and I'm so thankful to him for giving me my life back. I can finally be a normal teenager. I want to spread the word about him and help everybody that I can because I was in pain for so long and pain was all I knew. I used to be a competitive gymnast and swimmer but for a long time I couldn't do anything at all because of my pain. I'm swimming again and I'm so happy.