United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Does Shriners pay for or reimburse for travel.
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Does Shriners pay for or reimburse for travel.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 12:50 pm
Hi all. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We did. JAvier got a big wheel. I am posting to find out if any of you know whether or not Shriner's will help us pay for a rental car. Our car is not reliable, we use it for errands and my husband drives back and forth to work. Right now we are unable to buy a new car and we need to rent one for Javiers appointment next month. It is not very expensive, but with one income it can get kind of tight. If anyone has any info on this, I would greatly appreciate. Feel free to email me or post here.


Re: Does Shriners pay for or reimburse for travel.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:12 pm
Thanks Louise. I will call. I am not living in the Philadelphia area any more. So, I don't think they would come to VA to pick us up:)

Happy New Year.


Re: Does Shriners pay for or reimburse for travel.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:27 pm
by m&mmom
We live 1.5 hours from Philly and were told a local Shriner's volunteer would pick us up if we wanted. I never used the service; however during numerous appointments there I noticed several Shriner's vans from Jersey, NY and other surrounding states. I would call Shriners and see how to go about setting that up.

Good luck and let us know how you make out.

Re: Does Shriners pay for or reimburse for travel.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:03 pm
by admin
I live in south Alabama and have an appointment on Jan. 19th for my daughter in Philly. A shriner called me from Mobile offering to drive my daughter and I up to Philly but I had already purchased plane tickets. They told me if I needed to go back they would be happy to drive us and that's a 2 day trip.


Re: Does Shriners pay for or reimburse for travel.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:47 pm
by AmyBrowne
We live in North Carolina and our daughter just had surgery last week up in Philly. Back in November, my daughter and I went up by airplane for an evaluation. And last week, my husband, my daughter, and I went by air for her surgery. Our local Shrine, (Charlotte) took care of cost for flights and hotels. It can be very stressful worrying about cost of transportation on top of insurance issues. I would recommend contacting your local Shrine; they might want to drive you or just pay for the airfare. I felt it was too far to drive from NC. Also you can talk to Susan Schailey in the transportation dept. at the PA Shriners (215) 430-4177. She would be able to put you in the right direction. Hope this informaton helps.

Daughter, Scarlett 7mo, LOBPI