United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • 1 day added to the now filled NJ clinic with Dr. Nath - 1/26 in Phila.
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1 day added to the now filled NJ clinic with Dr. Nath - 1/26 in Phila.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:24 pm
by Francine Litz
Dr. Nath's NJ clinic for January is now filled (with the exception of any openings that become available due to cancellations).

If you are interested in seeing Dr. Nath in Philadelphia on January 26th, please contact Francine Litz at francine@injurednewborn.com or call 215 643 5913.

We would like to know if there is interest in a third day as soon as possible so that Dr. Nath can make his flight arrangements.

Thank you.

Re: 1 day added to the now filled NJ clinic with Dr. Nath - 1/26 in Phila.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:41 am
by admin

Re: 1 day added to the now filled NJ clinic with Dr. Nath - 1/26 in Phila.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:20 am
by admin

Perhaps you can tell us how you got BPI counted as a "life-threatening" injury in order to get a dream family vacation at Disneyworld from Make-a-Wish?


Look at the list! Even muscular distrophy doesn't count unless it is "rapidly progressive"!


Subjecting your child to failed surgery after surgery doesn't count as "life threatening"... Shouldn't this charity be supporting children who truly are dealing with tragic illnesses and need the hope desperately?

You should be ashamed of yourself... no wonder there is no mention of this on your famed website!

Disgusted mother

Re: 1 day added to the now filled NJ clinic with Dr. Nath - 1/26 in Phila.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 5:49 am
by admin
Please contact me at 215-396-6361 or my cell at 215-834-7897. My son had surgery on December 20th with Dr. Zager at the Hospital of University of PA. We would love to come and see Dr. Nath. My email is dbate2you@yahoo.com.

Re: 1 day added to the now filled NJ clinic with Dr. Nath - 1/26 in Phila.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:37 pm
by ZaidraZavian
My daughter and I are flying in on the 26th to see Dr.Kozin at Shriner's. I would love to see Dr.Nath...he was a part of the team who performed Zavian's first two surgeries. Please let me know if he will be there more than one day. You can email me at zgrimes@agbr.com. THANKS!