United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Letter for school awareness addition
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Letter for school awareness addition

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2002 10:53 am
by browning93
I just got to check out the awareness section and printed alot of info to help in my school fight. The school awareness letter was exceptional.
I was wondering if a couple of things could be added. Some children as my Michaela is, are sensitive to heat. When she gets too hot from overdressing,running and playing or just plain weather her left pectoral area and arm turn really red and I'm told because of her severe injury that it's hardfor her body to control the temperature on that affected area.Same reason for the coldness in the winter. Just thought there could be a paragragh about extreme heat or cold and what should be done in the letter. Thanks, LeeAnne

Re: Letter for school awareness addition

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2002 3:32 pm
by browning93
Forgive me but my brain goes dead sometimes. The other thing I thought of would be a letter for school pertaining to after surgery and what the teachers should expect. LeeAnne

Re: Letter for school awareness addition

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 10:49 pm
by francine
Lee Anne - if you could write up this new paragraph - it will at least be a starting point for us ok? Thanks

Re: Letter for school awareness addition

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 11:19 am
by browning93
I'll try to do a rough draft on the hot cold issue, but i don't think I'd be able to come up with alot for the after surgery awareness,just a few ideas. I'l work on it and e-mail to you and see what you think.Thanks LeeAnne