United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Poems by BPI children...
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Poems by BPI children...

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:57 am
by Nurseem
I haven't posted much lately, but could use a little help now. My daughter, Ginny, is 6 and has started asking questions about her LOBPI with all the "why's", "what if's" and "how comes". I found in the latest Outreach by Caroline Reilly, but I thought there were a few others. I was hoping to show her these to help her. Her big concern right now seems to be on what other kids may say.

She has not had surgery, has about 85% return, her scapula wings and she has a contracture of her left elbow. She continues OT weekly and at home. Dad and I differ. He thinks I focus on it, I think he is in denial about it. We are working on our own "stuff". I think he finally realizes this is a permanent condition for her, since I have been the one looking for treatments and answers, as well as doing things at home. He is kicking it up a notch now.

My main concern is things she can understand. I was hoping hearing from other children or reading about them may help. We are open to pen pals, etc.

Thanks in advance,
Emily in Northern California

Re: Poems by BPI children...

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:50 pm
by TNT1999
Emily, I just helped my daughter Nicole, who is 6 y.o. w/a LOBPI type an e-mail message for Ginny.

~Tina, bpmom@comcast.net