United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • School Letter from Dr. Nath/SSI
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School Letter from Dr. Nath/SSI

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:36 am
by Jeanne
Dr. Nath sent me a school letter for Alyssa since she will only be out of her splint 3 weeks when school starts. She will not be allowed to particiapte in PE or recess activities. He also stated that she may not carry a backpack and someone else must carry her books if she needs to take them from class to class. He also said she needed a 2nd set of books at home. He said this is effective at lkeast until January 30, 2006. She is heartbroken about no PE, but I am hoping that the princiapl does not say he must make her stay inside for recess. I am very worried about what he may say about this.

Also, when Alyssa was 5, we applied for SSI, but were denied 2 times, but then she had mod quad and had improvement so we dropped everything and did not appeal. She was in Kindergarten for less then 3 hours a day and her teacher said she funcioned fine, but of course, she didnt not have to carry a lunch tray. I am not sure how she will do carrying her tray this year though. I am thinking about going and reapplying for her now since she will have so many restrictions as far as what she cannot do for quite awhile. Her school has monthly skating parties and since she cannot take PE, that is out. She is in a small dance group at school, but they do not perform until late January so she is safe as far at that activity goes. It was great therapy for her last year BTW. She also goes back to her OT on August 10th who now also offers aquatherapy!

Re: School Letter from Dr. Nath/SSI

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:49 am
by admin
Jeanne, Does Alyssa have an IEP ? If so call a meeting before school starts or call the principal so they have a heads up that you want an IEP change. You can ask for a personal aide. My daughter had a personal aide for kindergarten for the same reasons and she was a doll. She helped her with everything - putting coat on and off, the lunch room. She was allowed to go outside (after some fighting) but her aide stayed right alongside. She was asked to stay on a smaller quiet playground section.

Also at school she was given PT during PE and that worked out fine. There are alternative things to do for exercise like stationery bicycling, treadmill, etc. My daughter got PE credit with her PT.

I have no experience with a 504 plan or what you would do if you don't have an IEP but ask Rich Looby, he may know.

Re: School Letter from Dr. Nath/SSI

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:44 am
by Jeanne
Alyssa does not have an IEP. I called her principal to see what we can do about our situation. He was in a meeting, but I gave his secretary numbers where he can reach me so I can explain her restrictions. I am also going to call Covered Bridge which she had when she needed speech therapy when she attended headstart. They are the special education organization that may be of some help to us. They may be able to help us get her PT at school.