United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Rough week...non bpi
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Rough week...non bpi

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:09 am
by Mandie
Man what a long week and it is just Tuesday night! My sister, Sue, who is 40, has, in the past 13 years, had 5 strokes and 2 brain surgeries. After the last stroke, they did surgery and she went to a rehab to get better. Her sister, Sheila, (they have the same mother, Sue and i have the same father) took her from the home and said she wanted to care for her there. Sue has two girls, they are 16 and 13 now. This last stroke was 2 years ago. After taking Sue home with her, Sheila didn't care. She just wanted Sue's checks. She would make Sue's girls clean her up, bathe her, etc... The oldest girl, who was 14 at the time, decided that she wanted to go live with her dad. Sheila emotional abused her so bad to where she tried to OD. The other daughter who is 13 now stayed with Sue at Sheilas house. She has already been arrested and Sheilas kids give her weed!!
Two weeks ago, her 16 yo daughter and her dad went to get the 13 yo to spend time with them. While there she noticed that her mom was smelly. After they left, she called me to tell me about her mom. Sheila has not been bathing her, it had been 4 days since she had a bath, and she gave that bath to herself. How can someone who is totally paralyzed on one side do this?!?! She walks with a cane but can NOT use her right arm. She said she is left alone ALL DAY. She doubled her size. The only thing she ate last week was cereal and noodles! So I called adult protective services and went pick her up! I offered to help her get into the rehab place where i work and i will help her to get an apartment when she gets better. She was SO EXCITED! I brought her shopping for new clothes. Her clothes were so tight that she has an open sore on her waist from the clothes cutting her! I also got her a haircut! It was awesome! She said to me, and the support lady that she doesn't want to go back to sheilas house! Monday we are doing the power of attorney thing so she can't abuse her anymore!!

To make a long story short, she is going to be so much better now and i am so glad to see a smile on her face again! Please pray for my family, this has put a major dent in our pocketbook but i know God will bless us for it!

Thanks for listening and caring


Re: Rough week...non bpi

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:50 am
by Angela Butterfly
Dear Mandie, I don't know why there are CRUEL selfish people out there, but I have come across quit a few in my own family as well.

You are right that you will be blessed in the long run.
For many many years I did, for my brother, what you are doing for your sister. He was slightly learning disabled (the local school's would not accept him), and my father was abusing him, so when I was 18 and he 24, I got away and took him with me. When my older brothers left 10 years earlier, they left us behind.....and I just couldn't do that to Danny, when it came my time to leave, I took him with me.

Life certainly isn't fair. I just don't know why some people are so mean.

Re: Rough week...non bpi

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:31 am
by Angela Butterfly
Leafage and Rootage

American President Woodrow Wilson once pointed out that "a man’s rootage is more important than his leafage." What others see are the leaves, the outside. What they can’t see are the roots, the values and principles that ground a person. Character is grown from a good system of roots.…

People of character live from the inside out. Their convictions guide their actions. Their principles govern their lives. People of character have both the strength and grace to give their best to the world.

To their enemy they give forgiveness.
To an outsider, understanding.
To a friend, their heart.
To their children, a good example.
To their mates, faithfulness.
To their parents, respect.
To themselves, gentleness.
To all people, kindness.

Strong roots produce a strong character. And a strong character is needed to give one’s best to life. When the tree’s roots are well tended, the leaves will be full and healthy.

Re: Rough week...non bpi

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:20 am
by Kath
My heart goes out to you at this time. I will pray for you and your family. Sometimes God gives us and opportunity for grace and we either take it or hide from it. YOU took it and will be blessed for caring for your sister. It may be a rough week but you made that week better and gave all of us something to think about on how to handel the rough spots in life.
Kath (adult/obpi)

Re: Rough week...non bpi

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:56 am
by Nurseem
God bless you!! You are your sisters angel!! I pray for you to have the strength you need and the resources will come when least expected for you and your family. I also pray that your neices will be ok from this and back on the right path!!

Re: Rough week...non bpi

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:15 pm
by Mandie
Thanks guys! It is hard, dealing with doctors, etc.. but when i am feeling like i cant go anymore, i stop and pray and God shows me the way to the next step. My husband is being a dear through all of this, bless him!

Thanks again!