United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Homeschooling child with BPI
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Homeschooling child with BPI

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:21 pm
by admin
Hello friends,
I have posted in the past (though I can't remember my log-in info). I have had to withdraw my son from kindergarten and am homeschooling him for the rest of this school year. It is a long story but his pediatrician and an experienced counselor considered the setting to be too toxic for him. He was developing anxiety issues about school and the teacher was new to teaching kindergarten. She was not as responsive to his needs as we would have liked. Now that this has happened and we are learning at home (his first week he said, "If this is school I love it!") I am considering continuing on this path. Are any of you homeschooling for any reason? I would really appreciate your insights.

Thank you.

Re: Homeschooling child with BPI

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:10 pm
That is excellent. My older son will be starting kindergarten next year and I was considering home schooling. But, honestly,I am soooo ready to go back to work. Javier w/ BPI is 11 months old and it has been a long, hectic and unplanned 'stay at home' year. More power to you and your child. Good luck with everything.

Re: Homeschooling child with BPI

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:15 pm
by admin
Hi there homeschooling is great. I started with my first child who is bpi and we had a great time and he made lots of friends outside of school so he didn't suffer for friends. He entered "regular school in grade four and there are days we both think homeschooling longer would have had alot of positives I found in grade six he alot more able to advocate for himself in the teacher student relationship and could better communicate to me the things that were going wrong at school so that I could address them if need be. If you want to talk further feel free to contact me- enjoy the extra time with your child - you 'll never regret it.

Re: Homeschooling child with BPI

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 9:52 pm
by dmom
Hi, Barb,

I am a HUGE fan of homeschooling, for a variety of reasons. Our oldest daughter is in a hybrid private school where the kids are in school three days a week and are homeschooled on the off-days. We love it, and she is really thriving.

Our son, who has the BPI, probably will follow the same path when he is 5. But I am totally open to homeschooling him five days a week if it seems necessary. I don't yet know how the private school will be able to deal with some of his issues. He also has a good personality for homeschooling - he LOVES being home and is very calm and teachable.

I think homeschooling can be absolutely wonderful for children, and I just wanted to encourage you to keep up the good work! I love your son's comment, too! I know so many homeschooling families whose kids say similar things.

It sounds like you are doing the right thing for your little guy!

Take care,

Re: Homeschooling child with BPI

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 6:35 pm
by kalliesmom
We are homeschooling our 6yr old daughter with bpi and will also be homeschooling our son when he gets older.
I am actually a homeschool grad myself and cannot see any other way personally especially when a disablitly is involved. Though if you have something near by like "dmom" has that is a wonderful option.
I wish you the best of luck and if you have any questions feel free to email me at bri_jess@msn.com


Re: Homeschooling child with BPI

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 11:13 pm
by Kristie
I am a homeschooling Mom. I have three kids... 8,4 and 7 months. Feel free to e-mail me since I am not sure what you are actually looking for. We have been home learning for about 4 years.