United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • EXCITING NEWS
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Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 9:39 pm
by flowerchild
Dr. Fillers office called me yesterday and wanted Me to schedule a surgry! I was blown away! I sent him my stuff last week and he thinks he can take care of my problem in the lower plexus with a trans axilary aproach.It sounds like he is pretty confident that he can help if he was willing to schedule a surgery without seeing me. I think having a neurogragh from Dr. Tsuruda was the positive test he needed since they have done alot of work together. I have searched for a year and traveled all over the country looking for the right Doc. It is hard to believe that it might finally happen. I am trying to not get my hopes up too much as it is so hard when things don't workout. I chose to go to LA in march for a consult and then go from there. I couldn't see going down for a surgery to a doc I had never seen before.I will let you know how it goes .Maybe there is hope. If you are interested in Dr. Filler his web sight is www.nervemed.com