United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • plaster off
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Re: plaster off

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 4:03 pm
by Kathleen

Glad to hear you are doing well and things are looking better.

As the mother kids who were competitive swimmers I know how important it is for you to get back in the water.
It is not only a great sport but it is great for the arm and the lungs. When my son first developed asthma that was what I was told to do teach him to swim thus he learns better breath control...
Wonder if that would help with bpi who are having breathing problems.
just a thought.
Glad again for you. just don't try to beat your own best time yet!

Re: plaster off

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 4:41 pm
by jennyb
nice one athos....next time u see Carlstedt ask him how those rats with avulsions are doing! It's been really interesting reading your surgey story and Karlos', and watching you guys recover, keep us posted!

Re: plaster off

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 5:08 pm
by karlos
Hi Athos,
Bet your glad to get out of that pot mate,I dont think our surgeons could have done our ops more different,as long as the results are ok thats the main thing.


ps steady with those exercises youll go blind # 0)

Re: plaster off

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 9:16 pm
by George
So Athos......do we see you on the olympic swim team in 2004 ??? Great you're out of the pot mate, it's gotta feel MUCH lighter now. Really pulling for you with your physio. I guess it's just a matter of brain training now ???? Well.....it will be a while till warmer weather, unless you got one of those nifty heated pools. From what you say about loving to swim, my bet is you won't wait for the weather :o)

Jenny is right.....you and Karlos have provided some extremely useful information on these boards. We appreciate your willingness to share your experiences. Good luck in making the most of your surgery. Let's see what three weeks will do........


Re: plaster off

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 9:30 pm
by kathy
I also am thankful for your stories and glad things are going well. I had my tendon transfer 2 weeks ago today. I saw the doc today and my cast got to come off for a whole 5 minutes. But I got a pretty blue one in its place. 2 more weeks in the blue one. One thing did happen when he took the cast off; I had the transfer so I could have thumb opposition. The doc asked me to try and move my index finger (where they took the tendon from) and when I did my thumb moved.

It was the most amazing thing. My jaw just dropped. After the cast comes off I too face brain retraining and then the second surgery.

I am happy for the recovery that you have had.


Re: plaster off

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 6:46 am
by lizzyb

EXcellent news Athos; does this mean that you and Karl are on for an arm wrestling match soon?? It must feel great to be able to go swimming again, but like they say, don't over do it.

It has been great to read you and Karl's updates on this surgery....it helps others who are maybe still considering this procedure make a more informed decision, so, keep on posting! ;0)

Liz b xxx

Re: plaster off

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 2:08 pm
by athos
Guys, thanks very much for your support. But we haven't won yet. The forearm is still very stiff and extension of both fingers and wrist is minimal (especially wrist). But u have to be positive. It's only been just over a day since they took my plaster off. The fingers are also very stiff. I guess with time and exercize things will get better.

Re: plaster off

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 2:30 pm
by karlos
Hi,i'm now 7 weeks post po @ the fingers ,wrist still ache,tend to have good days and bad days.

I find that when your not trying to move your fingers you tend to do better ie subconsciously,i think this is prob becouse you tend to try too hard and your brain hasnt sussed it yet.

iv got full range of movement but can see it being 6 mth before it comes naturally,its a bit like patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time ,if you get my drift.

ttfn karl

Re: plaster off

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 5:14 am
by Dave m
NICe ONE Athos! Cheers for the update, bet you're already looking forward to swimming im well pleased for ya, ciao!

Re: plaster off

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 10:00 pm
by George
Hi Kathy, glad you got to see your thumb move again !! Fascinating stuff to hear all of you guys' stories. Wish you the best on the next surgery. Will this be the last one??? Know your ready to get through with them. Good luck......two weeks will come and go :o)


p.s. was it the cast with all our names on it ???