United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Two Years Ago
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Two Years Ago

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 10:13 am
by admin
Hi All, Haven't posted for awhile. Things are sort of crazy around here. But today, is the second year that I have had this Right TBPI. Things are a little better but I still have that persistent pain and still can't bring my arm up to my head. The last doctor I saw, said that he wanted to do a shoulder fusion but I think that I am going to pass on that one. I haven't heard many good things about that particular surgery. Hope you all are hangin' in there and best wishes to all, Rhoda

Re: Two Years Ago

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 11:14 am
by Kathleen
Hi Rhoda

Nice to see you on the board. Hope the weather is treating you well. At least no leaves to worry about this time of year...

talk soon

Re: Two Years Ago

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 12:50 pm
by bigsel
Hi Rhoda, I've had my tbpi for three years now & I'm waiting to go into hospital for a shoulder fusion. What have you heard about it that makes you not want the shoulder fusion? I would be interested in what you've heard about it. I was hopeing it would make things that little bit more comfy.

take care


Re: Two Years Ago

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 4:59 pm
by admin
Hi, What I heard was that, the surgery will help ease the pain, but the shoulder is fused to keep it from moving. Maybe, I was told wrong, but I think I want all the movement that I can get.I think that I can put up with the pain because when it first happened, I was told to get used to it. And so, I have learned to live with it. It is extremely difficult to adjust to the limited movement,so I want to keep what I have.What have you been told? Rhoda