United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • This is one big baby
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Re: This is one big baby

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:47 pm
by dmom
Since Danny was 12 pounds, I had to click on this link!

What really got me was the quote from the hospital official that said, "Obviously, this baby was born by Caesarean section." Must be nice to be in a hospital where the medical staff has the brain cells to do a responsible delivery of a big baby. I wish I had had such a hospital.

Thanks for the link!

Re: This is one big baby

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:54 pm
by emmetts mom
my thoughts exactly

Re: This is one big baby

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:05 pm
by Kath
My thoughts exactly. I was 11 lb. 14 oz.
What a cute baby, so nice to see the baby is healthy and not injured.

Re: This is one big baby

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:10 pm
by CW1992
wow - thanks Rich - can't imagine - Britt was the biggest newborn at the time - looked like she was 3 months old instead of a new one! She didn't fit into the newborn diapers or clothes and she was over 10 lbs. She looked so big compared to the other newborns in the hospital.

I remember her pediatrician telling me that by the time she was two years old - her 'genes' would take over and she would even out in what her body type was supposed to be. She was 'off the charts' for years - but today she is a skinny kid, average height and weight (maybe under) - but I remember being worried that she would always be bigger than your average bear! LOL!
I am glad that some doctors understand and that the little guy is alright. Thanks,

Re: This is one big baby

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:11 pm
by admin
My daughter was working on being that big....she was 9#11 ounces and was a month premature......that is scary. Glad to hear that baby was born by C-Section.....thank GOD for smart doctors !

Re: This is one big baby

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:20 pm
by Karen Hillyer
I am shocked !!!!!!
you had no right being that big - you are such a little dot now!
I was my moms smallest baby 7lbs 3 ozs - LOL
hows that for role reversal for you and me!!!
sending you happy thoughts!
Karen and Gary xxxx

Re: This is one big baby

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:14 am
by admin
Beautiful baby !!! Wow my grandson weighted 11lbs 3oz
and I thought he was huge.
Glad the doctor had sence enough to C section.
My daughter doctor here wasn't so smart, vacuum delivered our grandson. Baby now pays the price suffers from seizures & erb's palsy.

Re: This is one big baby

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:14 pm
by Kath
Thanks for calling me a littl dot!!!

I was one of the taller children in 1st Grade. But that did not last long the other children grew and I did not. I still bless the one girl, in school, who was shorter than me. We always had to line up in size places and I was so happy not to be first anymore... LOL...
But at least I am still 5'3"... have not shrunk yet!
My brother once told me I was short because they ran out of tall gene's by the time I came along. LOL Kath