United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Recent TCH conference w/PT and OT's?
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Recent TCH conference w/PT and OT's?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 10:43 pm
by Nicole M
I coulda swore a while back there was a post about a conference that was held recently for therapists given by the TCH people. And I thought I saw someone say that it may have been taped. I wanted to know if it was taped and if there any more tapes available for therapists? My OT wanted to attend, but not enough money in budget, so she would really like to see a tape if possible or some sort of curriculum from it. Anybody have any suggestions? Thank you.

Re: Recent TCH conference w/PT and OT's?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 12:24 am
by francine
I asked Dr. Nath about tape and all and he said that he wondered if anyone did that - he didn't know... said that it went for two days so how many tapes would that be? LOL

They are planning on doing this again.