United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Swollen Hand and Fingers
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Swollen Hand and Fingers

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 11:06 pm
by Patwarner55
I am a new TBPI, October 15, 2004. I have had my arm in a sling most of the time since then. My neurologist is at Shands, Gainesville, Florida. They have performed EMG/NCV studies twice now. I have been attending PT since the end of October. They have scheduled me for OT this week for my hand and fingers.

I had some swelling at the time of my last neurology visit and testing. Since that time my hand and fingers have just swollen up to the point that I feel like they are going to burst. the skin on my fingers is dry, cracking and peeling a little. The fingertips feel like I have a chemical burn.

Any one ever experience this? The other hand is fine.

Now they are referring me to Orthopedic Surgeons for ? rotator cuff tear.

Could this possibly be phlebitis in my hand?

Thanks so much...Pat

Re: Swollen Hand and Fingers

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 11:27 pm
by Sam/Adam
Hi Pat. The skin on Adam's hand was that way for awhile also. He had pretty tough skin on his hand at the time of his accident and because he could no longer use his hand, it was harder for him to get rid of the dead skin cells that would normally shed from everyday use. Sorry to hear of your injury and glad you found us. Hope we can be of some help. Samantha

Re: Swollen Hand and Fingers

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 2:30 am
by Susie Kaye
Hi Pat,

So sorry you have joined our ranks. My fingers and hand always swelled like that and at 1st they had me wrap them at night with guaze bandages and that would bring the swelling down. Then the Dr ordered for me a lymphadema glove and sleeve to wear to keep the swelling down. You really need to get to a BPI specialist. Don't rely on just any Neurologist. How bad is your injury? My arm was totally dead weight. I wish you the best.


Re: Swollen Hand and Fingers

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:46 pm
by Karl w/ a K
Hi Pat,
I had some problems with swelling in the early months of my injury. My PT told me that due to poor circulating this would happen. He had me prop my arm above my heart as much as possible. As some of my muscles began to function again the circulation improved. This took 4 to 5 months before my triceps started recovering. I remember squeezing the fingers and hand to force fluid back to the glands early on. Hope this helps...Karl...

Re: Swollen Hand and Fingers

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:49 pm
by javi23
Hi Pat I have a LTBPI injury. I am on the 4 month mark post accident I'm going to Mayo Clinic on December 11. I have a swollen hand most of the time, but I think that is because some time I just let the arm hang dowm and what happens is that all the blood go down throught my hand and get stock there and thats why I get my hand swollen. Also my PT told to rubb from the end of my finger and my hand all the way back to the arm, I hope this help you. GOOD LOOK AND KEEP US POST

Re: Swollen Hand and Fingers

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:49 am
by admin
I was injured in Sept. 04 and also experience the same thing. Swollen hand and constant pain. I also went to a neurologist when this happened. It didn't take long for me to realize I needed to see a BPI specialist. I quickly learned you must be pro-active in seeking the best medical care for this type of injury. The neuro I went to has been in practice for 20+ yrs. at a respected neurological center. This Dr. rubbed his head and looked throughly perplexed while conducting an EMG on me. That was pretty strong body language that he coveyed to me (I am sure witout even realizing he did this), that indicated to me he didn't know what the crap was going on. Thank God I live close to New Orleans where Dr. Klien is located who just so happens to have written the book on BPI injuries. I had my neuro refer me to Dr. Klien (he requires a referrel)and he seemed more than happy to do this. So at the present all I am doing is waiting for my appointment. Do some research & find the best doctor who is a BPI specialist in your area. This act alone will cut down on a lot of wasted time and money. I plan on trying to post my stages of recovery on this board since any & all information could be helpful to someone else going through the same thing.
Hanging in there,