United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • I think there is a problem with the new BPI Events message board
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I think there is a problem with the new BPI Events message board

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:32 pm
by admin
I understand that you are trying to separate these postings out (and whether or not I agree with it doesn't matter). But what I am finding on my screen is that when I put up the UBPN site and go to the Message Board menu page, the BPI Events message board is so far down that you have to scroll down in order to see if the little button is "lit up" showing that something new has posted. For people that haven't visited recently and don't know that this new area exists, they may never find it because they may never have a reason to scroll down. For this reason, I suggest that you put the BPI Events Message board as the first one. It remains separated out but at least people will see it in their face and that little button will turn color so that they know to go in there. BPI Events are a very important part of this community and if they get lost on a message board that no one sees, then the whole community has lost out. Please consider this change.

Re: I think there is a problem with the new BPI Events message board

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:05 am
by njbirk
Thanks for the suggestion.
We will look at reordering the forums so that bpi events is not last on the list.

Nancy Birk
UBPN President

Re: I think there is a problem with the new BPI Events message board

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 2:41 pm
by admin
If you can't reorder the list because it's too much of a hassle- you can move this text:

"Home ยป Forums
Welcome to the new message boards. All the boards are available to everyone (Adults, teens, parents, professionals) to post questions or concerns, just post on the board that fits your topic or Login!

Be sure to read the Message Board Policies and Procedures, as using the message boards signifies that you agree to them. "

the text can be brought further down below the message board menu - or the font can be reduced and the spacing reduced and it can be brought up high into the top graphic area and that way the message boards can remain the same.

how do i join this group please?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:54 am
by carolinesmyth
hi im new to all this my daughter has right erbs from a birth injury,id love to hear anyviews on this ,thanks caroline xx